Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Calling All Reds

I have gotten a few requests from people asking me to post more red. I know I don't have a lot on here. I tried painting my kitchen red a few years ago and gave up after I went through about 8 different samples. I loved the color on the deck but it looked totally different on my wall. I think it's one of the hardest colors to get right, but I KNOW there are some great success stories out there. So if you have a red in your home that you think looks fabulous, share the love and send it on over!


  1. I painted my front door Fabulous Red by Valspar and, in my opinion, it is the perfect red for the front door.

  2. I love red in small doses (like accents, on a deck would be gorgeous, The front door would be great too).

    I would love to see a room that pulled it off on the walls. That would take some talent :)

  3. Thanks Kristin. I'm excited to see what people have! Have a great day.

  4. My fireplace wall is Drumbeat Red and I believe it is by Valspar

  5. My husband and I have a "signature red" that we've used in two houses, now. We find that it is about as neutral a shade of red as you can get--is that an oxymoron, or what? It's basically a true red, without the orange or purple undertones that can make red so difficult. Unfortunately, I don't have any good pictures of the way we used it in our first home, and the red room in our current house is tricky to photograph. So, I found some great pics online!

    The color is Valspar's Cabin Red. Here are links to some pics:




  6. This is my former apartment's kitchen in Bordeaux by Olympic.

    I likened it to a cranberry, deep red, not so bright.


  7. All these pictures make me want to go paint something red now! Such a fun, bright color. Thank you Ruth and Jessica for posting your pictures and everyone else for your input! My sister just did a post about a chair she painted red. Go to www.granvillehouse.blogspot.com. if anyone is looking to paint their furniture.

  8. reds are tough, they take many coats. We painted a bathroom "Barn Red by Ralph Lauren" a few years back. It had a lot of white tile to balance the red and looked great... after 5 coats!


Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. If you have a paint color to submit, please e-mail me directly at favoritepaintcolors@gmail.com. I would love to hear from you! Have a great day.