Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snail Shell

Snail Shell by Martha Stewart (Home Depot)

1 comment:

  1. My friend has a living room very much like snail shell, maybe a little darker. She calls it Swamp Green. It was a very bold choice, but works really well with neutrals, and richly textured silks. Everyone agrees that it is weird, but everyone likes it.
    Many of my favorite greens are by Martha Stewart, but she has had so many color changes since she started with that European company that starts with an S. Then it was KMart, then Sherwin Williams, and now Home Depot, or was there one before that. Her old television studio was in the town next to mine. One of the assistant producers would bring her paint over and get it made up in Benjamin Moore. Even she didn't like the KMart paint. Her colors are unparallelled however. Ann


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